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August 28, 2019 2 min read

This sweet face is why we do what we do here at King Duke’s…  Duke was our first baby and the center of our lives, and naturally, we loved spoiling him.  

At 2 years old Duke was diagnosed with Epilepsy and had to be put on some pretty aggressive medication to control his seizures.  Unfortunately in 2007 there wasn’t much out there for alternative options, so we watched our playful puppy turn into an “old man” in the blink of an eye.  We researched tirelessly to find the very best quality food and human supplements to slow down the deteriorating of his organs because we couldn’t find anything for him in any of the local pet stores. 

In 2015, just shy of his 10th birthday, we received the devastating news that Duke had lymphoma.  Due to his age and the medication he had been on for 8 years, treatment was not recommended for him and we were told he probably had about 4-6 weeks to live.  Wanting to make his final days as comfortable and joyful as possible, we again turned to researching anything we could find that may help him.  Because of the all natural, human-grade approach we took with not only his supplements but his diet as well, we were able to spend another 7 months with our boy.  His doctors were blown away by this and attributed it to the high quality of everything we put in his body.  

Duke's final months were not spent in pain, but were spent swimming in rivers, chasing tennis balls, and doing all of the other things he loved to do.  

Because of this, and because of Duke, we will only carry the best, and will never offer a product that we would not give our own furry kid (Duke’s little sister, Finley).  

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