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  • Fluff & Tuff Dog Toys

  • October 03, 2022 3 min read

    We feel we might have said this before about other seasons, but fall really is our favorite season of all. After all, who among us doesn’t love the crunchy leaves, the crispy air, the cozy sweaters, and the creamy coffee inexplicably turned into a cross between pie and pudding? As an aside, we saw pumpkin spice cream cheese at the grocery store today which felt like a step too far, but then again, who are we to yuck anyone’s yum!? If you can eat it, spice it, we say, because we are full-on fall-fanatics! And that’s before we even get to the season’s undisputed crescendo, and arguably the holiday high point of the whole year: yes, dear readers, HALLOWEEN. Is there a better occasion than this? Well let’s think about that. Er, no. But okay, if you insist, here’s why it is literally perfect: 

    1. There is candy! Now arguably there is no holiday in which candy does not play a part, but the thing about Halloween is that candy is the undisputed star of the show. No candy, no Halloween. We are willing to concede that costumes are also central to the occasion, but really, they exist in order to elicit candy, so again, no candy, no Halloween. Well, you can imagine our delight when our friends at Huxley & Kent combined the two into these Candy Corn Pinwheels and Bow Ties, without a doubt the tastiest accessories for miles around! We’ll take both!
    2. There are costumes! As we said, the costume is its wearer’s ticket to candy heaven, and who doesn’t love that… but as one of our slightly less sweet-toothed pals pointed out, costumes are cool! Not only do they mark you out as a type who is good at parties, but they can also double up and keep you warm on walks as the weather wanes (say that 5 times fast!). We think this pumpkin spice flannel bandana is particularly sweet, and looks extra-specially fetching with this fall argyll harness which comes in 4 sizes and is particularly comfortable for dogs with wider necks and chests.
    3. There is trick or treating! A time-honored Halloween tradition, we readily admit to a strong preference for treats, but over the years we have come to see the value of trick too, especially those which are deceptively sweet to look at. But first things first, let’s talk treats: our absolute favorites are these delicious Jack O’Lantern soft chews from Crown to Tail. Made with pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, with a touch of honey for sweetness, but free from soy, wheat, and corn, they are all-American, all-natural deliciousness! YUUUUM! As for tricks, we have plenty up our sleeves. How about these Halloween Witch Lamb Chops? These sweet and spooky toys come in 2 sizes, and in orange, purple, or black, and are the perfect plush buddies for pets to squeak their way to seasonal fun! Lambs not scary enough for you? No fear, we have coffins! These Zippy Paws Coffins with Ghosts are scarily cute, scarily squeaky, and scarily popular with our pack. 
    4. There are pumpkins! Yes pack, the ice cream is back, back, BACK! It’s been a few months since we recommended our absolutely tip-top favorite thing ever, Puppy Scoops Goats’ Milk Ice Cream, but the pumpkin flavor guaranteed it a spot in our Halloween countdown! Made with goat’s milk and with no added sugar, you simply add water, mix and freeze for a naturally enzyme-rich, healthy dessert with none of the bad and all of the good! It’s all natural, grain-free and made in the USA. And if you prefer, we also have 4 more delicious flavors, including Maple Bacon! Whoop!
    5. There are ghosts! These spookily good Ghost Bites from Bocce’s Bakery? No trick-or-treater will go empty paw’d with these all-natural pumpkin, cream cheese, and cinnamon bites. Or how about a Ghostly Dinosaur? No, we don’t know either, but when we saw this super cute, extra loud, extra crinkly, plush dinosaur, dressed as a ghost, carrying her own Jack O’Lantern, our disbelief was suspended. She is AMAZING, and we recommend buying at least 10. Really, they are *that* adorable! 
    6. There are parties! Whether a low key evening with a few beers - we like these Road Dawg squeaky beers, or this growler from Lulubelles, or a full on Halloween rager, it’s definitely the season for serious socializing. But we’re nothing if not equitable here at King Duke’s, and we know that not all pups love the hustle, bustle, and noise of the fall festivities. For the older pup, or the shyer pup, or the just plain leave-me-to-relax-pup, we have a variety of CBD products to help soothe frayed nerves, and we especially love this Pet Relief hemp oil (for cats as well as dogs!). And reeeeelllllaaaaaax. 

    Walking, partying, apple bobbing, or mainly napping, whatever your plans this fall, we wish you all a happy, healthy Halloweenie! Until next month, friends! 🧙🎃🕷️👻

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